Food Hygiene Debate Kit – Evaluation Report

The Food Hygiene Debate Kit was funded by e-Bug and Safe Consume.

The Kit asks the question: Is it safer to eat at home or out at a restaurant?

The Kit was distributed from June 2020, and evaluated during December 2021 and January 2022.


  • We estimate that at least 308 Debate Kits have been used with students.
  • Feedback from teachers who have used the Kit is consistently positive. Teachers value the ability of the Kit to encourage critical thinking and appreciation of others’ opinions.
  • 94% of teachers responding to the feedback survey, reported that they intend to use the Debate Kit again.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant and ongoing impacts on schools and teaching. Teacher feedback across our projects indicates a need to focus on the core curriculum due to lost time from school closures, students isolating, and navigating changing restrictions. This is reflected in feedback we have received which indicates that many teachers have not yet had time to make use of the Kit.
  • 57% of teachers who told us they haven’t yet used the Kit report that they intend to use it in the future.

Read the full report [PDF] ❯ Continue reading

Posted on February 24, 2022 by modjosh in Evaluation | Leave a comment

Pandemic Prevention Debate Kit

Our next Science Debate Kit asks:

Pandemic Prevention: Were all groups treated fairly?

Pandemic Prevention Debate Kit Front Cover
As the Royal Institution CHRISTMAS LECTURES take an in-depth look at how new discoveries made as a result of the pandemic are set to change the future of medicine students can explore the societal and ethical implications of science and technology through 8 thought-provoking character cards. Continue reading

Posted on December 7, 2021 by ModShane in News | Leave a comment

Self-Driving Cars Debate Kit – Evaluation Report

The Self-Driving Cars Debate Kit was funded by the Institute of Physics, the Royal Institution, and Lloyd’s Register Foundation. It was produced alongside the CHRISTMAS LECTURES Zone, in partnership with the 2019 RI CHRISTMAS LECTURES series: Secrets and lies?

The Self-Driving Cars Debate Kit asks the question: Should our town centre be for self-driving cars only?

Through our evaluation we have learnt:

  • We estimate that at least 515 Debate Kits have been used with students.
  • Teachers valued the Debate Kit. Teachers report that the Kit has encouraged debate and respect for each other’s opinions. Teachers value the way in which the Kit “puts STEM learning in a real-life context”.
  • Kits have been used across a range of age groups from KS2 to KS5, and with adult learners.
  • Reception to competitions were mixed. 21 entries were received for the KS2/3 competition to design a road sign, however no entries were received for the KS4/5 competition to report on the debate.

Read the full report [PDF] ❯ Continue reading

Posted on March 12, 2021 by modjosh in Evaluation | Leave a comment

Climate Warming Debate Kit

Our next Science Debate Kit, created on behalf of the RI, asks the question:

Should we ban flying for the next 10 years?

In the same year that governments around the world have severely limited international travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK will host COP-26 to map out mankind’s next steps in tackling global warming.

The Kits will be dispatched from March 2021.

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Posted on March 2, 2021 by in News | Leave a comment