
Food Security Debate Kit – evaluation

After launching our Food Security Debate Kit, we emailed all the 791 teachers who requested it, we followed up with reminder emails, letters and phone calls. This way we collected feedback from online surveys, mailing campaigns and phone conversations, we analysed it and wrote it all up in a report. We have estimated that at least 35% of teachers had used the Food Security Debate Kit within five months from receiving it. Each kit was used with more than 3 classes on average, which means that over 800 classes have been discussing about Food Security using our debate kit. We were happy to find out that 60% of the teachers who haven’t yet used the kit said that they use it in the future, when it fits better with the curriculum. Apart from the kits that were directly requested from teachers, 510 were sent to STEM Contract Holders, Global Food … Continue reading

Posted on March 24, 2014 by modangela in News | Leave a comment

Electricity Distribution Debate Kit

“Should we build pylons in the Kinewell Valley?” It sounds like the start of the argument best left to Retired Majors, but hidden within a seemingly simple question lies a rich vein of debate about how we produce and consume electricity in 21st century UK. As with all science, facts and theories are only part of the story. Social issues and politics affect the way science and engineering is done. This Electricity Distribution debate pack examines issues including: Environmental Economics Smart grids Climate Change Sustainability This simple debate resource allows your students to find out what influences they way our country receives its power. The activity is designed to last for 50 minutes and takes minimal preparation. You’ll find resources and links on our electricity distribution page. Sign up for the Electricity Distribution pack here or if you have already signed up for a previous kit then please check your … Continue reading

Posted on February 12, 2014 by admin in News | Leave a comment

Food Security debate kit feedback

We’ve just received a lovely email from a STEM Contract Holder up in Scotland. They took some Food Security debate kits along as part of their outreach work with local schools, and the science enrichment kits got some great feedback. Kevin McKeever, STEM Project Manager at Global Science, said: We were out as part of our contractual requirements (we have to visit the 92 High Schools in East of Scotland) to North Berwick High School yesterday, and the teacher was absolutely made up with the pack that we took out – this was something practical she was actively looking for and was intending to write material herself, so we won a watch, and not to mention you guys too. She liked the packs so much so, that she asked if I could get her additional copies, and that way she could cover all the classes in the year group.” Kevin … Continue reading

Posted on August 30, 2013 by in News | Leave a comment

Food Security Debate Kit

Our latest free debate kit is ready. It’s on Food Security, asking:  Should our school only buy food produced in the UK?” What’s it all about? Global food security is a huge issue. An increasing population, decreasing land area, and the effects of climate change mean improving food security sustainably is a real challenge. And it’s not just about providing everyone in the world with enough calories, but making sure that people are receiving the correct nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet. The aim of this debate kit is to show students just how complex the issue of global food security is, and to encourage them to begin to consider and investigate some of the main issues surrounding the ethics of food production. What’s in the kit? Our kits follow a tried and tested format, based on character cards and lesson notes. Included in the kit are 8 debate … Continue reading

Posted on May 1, 2013 by admin in News | Leave a comment

Using I’m a Scientist to enrich our curriculum – A teacher’s view

After taking part in I’m a Scientist in June 2012, Ellie Russell, a science teacher from Trinity CE High School in Hulme, told us about other ways she uses I’m a Scientist resources. Here’s what she said… I can’t remember who first told me about I’m a Scientist last year, but straight away I knew it was a concept that would appeal to our students. Since then we have signed up for several zones with different classes and the students have truly enjoyed engaging with real scientists and finding out a bit more about what they do. To be honest, even though I’ve been really keen, it’s taken me a few more months to realise just how useful some of the other resources are for us too. We teachers are never very keen to read through all that useful support information! The Debate Kits for Drugs in Sport and IVF … Continue reading

Posted on November 29, 2012 by in News | Leave a comment

That’s all folks

So far we have despatched 1,820 Drugs in Sport Debate Kits. We’ve got requests for another 254. And we only printed 2,000. We’re going to search around and find enough kits for those who have already requested a kit, but from now one we can’t take anymore orders. If you would like a Drugs in Sport Debate Kit you can download one from here.

Posted on April 23, 2012 by ModShane in News | Leave a comment