Pandemic Prevention Debate Kit – Evaluation Report

The Pandemic Prevention Debate Kit was funded by The Royal Institution, UK Research and Innovation, and the Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute.

The Kit asks the question: Were all treated fairly?

The Kit was disributed from January 2022, and evaluated in July 2023.


  • We estimate that at least 262 Debate Kits have been used with students.
  • 61% of teachers who reported using the Kit, had used the Kit more than once; and every teacher responding to the feedback survey reported that they intend to use the Kit again.
  • Feedback from teachers who have used the Kit is consistently positive. Teachers value the ability of the Kit to stimulate discussion, and enrich curriculum teaching.

“Nice nuanced discussion for reinforcing our microbiology topic and making it relevant to pupils’ recent lived experience.”

Tim Reid, Teacher

β€œCan discuss as a class something we have lived through and experienced.”

Dan Bryant, Teacher

Download the Pandemic Prevention Debate Kit Evaluation Report [PDF]

Posted on July 31, 2023 by modjosh in Evaluation. Leave a comment

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