The Debate Kit was funded by the Royal Institution and Lloyd’s Register Foundation. It was produced alongside the CHRISTMAS LECTURES Zone, in partnership with the 2018 RI CHRISTMAS LECTURES series: Who am I?.
Through our evaluation we have learnt:
- We estimate that at least 266 Debate Kits have been used by teachers.
- 48% of teachers who told us they haven’t used the Kit report that they intend to use itin the future. Around 10% said they had passed the Kit on to a colleague to use.
- Feedback from teachers who have used the Kit is positive. Teachers report that the Kit has encouraged debate, helped to promote gender inclusivity, enabled open and honest discussions around trans issues, and “helps to structure discussion and broaden the different points of view being looked at beyond those of the loudest/most confident students”.
- 80% of teachers responding to the feedback survey, reported that they intend to usethe Debate Kit again.