“Should we build pylons in the Kinewell Valley?”
It sounds like the start of the argument best left to Retired Majors, but hidden within a seemingly simple question lies a rich vein of debate about how we produce and consume electricity in 21st century UK.
As with all science, facts and theories are only part of the story. Social issues and politics affect the way science and engineering is done. This Electricity Distribution debate pack examines issues including:
- Environmental
- Economics
- Smart grids
- Climate Change
- Sustainability
This simple debate resource allows your students to find out what influences they way our country receives its power. The activity is designed to last for 50 minutes and takes minimal preparation. You’ll find resources and links on our electricity distribution page.
Sign up for the Electricity Distribution pack here or if you have already signed up for a previous kit then please check your email for instructions or email us at debate@imascientist.org.uk
This debate kit has been commissioned by Western Power Distribution. It was researched and written independently with complete editorial control exercised by the I’m a Scientist team.